Archive for December, 2011

Be not weary

18 December 2011

I know that it has been quite a while since my last post, but with our recent move to Omaha, Nebraska I would hope you would forgive my lapse.

In any case, I wanted to share this video:

This video reminds us that there are opportunities all around us for serving those in need. We don’t have to wait until someone is in dire need to open our hearts and serve. Most of the time there are opportunities to serve right within the walls of your own home–someone once told me that you miss the point if you don’t serve those closest to you. Our Savior has admonished us, ” Wherefore be not weary in well-doing, for you are laying the foundation of a great work.” (D&C 64:33).  Go forth and do good things—`tis the season!