Archive for January, 2014

Choose to Live a Virtuous Life

26 January 2014

(This post comes from a talk that I shared with the Young Men and Young Women, ages 12-18 in my Church congregation, on 13 October 2013 to encourage them to live the standards that Heavenly Father has revealed in our day)

We are all on a journey.  We lived with our Heavenly Father before coming to this Earth and when the appropriate time came He sent us here in order for us to learn and grow in ways that we could not when we were with Him.  He provided a way for us to experience this life and overcome the challenges that beset us here as we turn to our Savior, Jesus Christ, for assistance (see Mosiah 3:19), forgiveness (see Isaiah 1:18; D&C 19:16-19), and strength (see Ether 12:27).  Ultimately, however, we all hope to live again with our Father in Heaven and this life is just one stage of this journey to perfection and eternal life.

As we all know this world is filled with evil and wickedness.  Heavenly Father knew that we would pass through temptations, confusing influences, sorrow, weaknesses of the flesh, and unrighteousness, and so He established certain patterns of behavior, or standards, that would help us to make good decisions and keep us unsullied from worldly influences.  Many in the world would tell us that these standards are restricting and limit our ability to have fun.  I feel like these standards were given for our protection and to enable us to have fun and to be happy as we complete our journey.  Just as caution signs, guard rails, and seat belts along a mountain road enable us to complete our trip safely and enjoy the drive through the mountain, standards keep us safe and enable us to find true happiness rather than fleeting elation.  We can choose to ignore the caution signs and drive recklessly as we twist our way down a mountain pass but we may end up injured or dead, or we can choose to keep to the limits and arrive safely at our destination.  So it is with standards, and let us choose the virtuous life.

A picture of a winding mountain road with guard rails

Yes, the happiest in this life, and the ones who find their true destination and return to live with Heavenly Father to enjoy eternal life, are the ones who choose the virtuous life and choose to follow the standards.  In The Book of Mormon we read often about the source of true happiness, for example:

“Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness.” (Alma 41:10)

“And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.” (Mosiah 2:41)

“Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.” (2 Nephi 2:27)

I have seen the fulfillment of these words in my life wherein I have witnessed the sorrow and heart-ache that comes from disobedience and I have experienced the joy and blessings that come from a virtuous life.  I know that the only true way to find lasting happiness in this life is to follow the patterns and commandments that Heavenly Father has given us.  I also know of the captivity and distress that comes from choosing not to obey.  So I say again, let us choose a virtuous life.

Sister Elaine Dalton said this about living a virtuous life:

Your personal purity is one of your greatest sources of power. When you came to the earth, you were given the precious gift of a body. Your body is the instrument of your mind and a divine gift with which you exercise your agency. This is a gift that Satan was denied, and thus he directs nearly all of his attacks on your body. He wants you to disdain, misuse, and abuse your body. Immodesty, pornography, immorality, tattoos and piercings, drug abuse, and addictions of all kinds are all efforts to take possession of this precious gift—your body—and to make it difficult for you to exercise your agency…[be] worthy to make and keep sacred covenants. The covenant you make at baptism will tether you to the path of virtue and happiness…As you keep your baptismal covenant, you will look different, dress different, and act different from the world. Keeping this covenant will enable you to be guided by the Holy Ghost. Stand in holy places, and do not even go near those environments or music, media, or associations that might cause you to lose the companionship of the Holy Ghost. (“Be Not Moved!” 2013 General Young Women Meeting)

I like how she points out that our virtue is a source of power and shares a multitude of ways in which we could violate the standards and thereby limit ourselves.  It is really a blessing to be different as we keep our standards because we are on the path of righteousness and can find true happiness.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke about finding true happiness and following God’s plan:

We all search for happiness, and we all try to find our own “happily ever after.” The truth is, God knows how to get there! And He has created a map for you; He knows the way. He is your beloved Heavenly Father, who seeks your good, your happiness. He desires with all the love of a perfect and pure Father that you reach your supernal destination. The map is available to all. It gives explicit directions of what to do and where to go to everyone who is striving to come unto Christ…All you have to do is trust your Heavenly Father. Trust Him enough to follow His plan. (“Your Happily Ever After” 2010 General Young Women Meeting)

That map is the Plan Of Salvation that teaches us to follow God’s commandments in order to return home to live with Him  The standards, as found in the “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet for example, are the safety devices and caution signs that allow us to follow God’s plan.  We need to trust in God enough to follow His plan and choose a virtuous life.  Some people may mock our standards or suggest they are outdated.  This is especially true in the area of modesty.  The truth is that the modesty standard, as well as the other standards, come from a loving Heavenly Father who knows the perils along the way and has given us guidance to overcome them:

Modesty is not just cultural. Modesty is a gospel principle that applies to people of all cultures and ages. In fact, modesty is fundamental to being worthy of the Spirit…When we recognize our bodies as the gifts they are and when we understand the missions they help us fulfill, we protect and honor them by how we act and dress…Honoring our covenants, starting with baptism, affects who we are and what we do, including the kinds of things we say, the music we listen to, and the clothing we wear. When we make and keep covenants, we are coming out of the world and into the kingdom of God. Our appearance should reflect that. (Elder Robert D. Hales, “Modesty: Reverence for the Lord,” August 2008 Liahona)

Nephites fighting with armor against Lamanites fighting without

When it comes to keeping the standards of the Church and choosing a virtuous life, I love the example of Captain Moroni.  He was chosen at the age of 25 to lead the whole Nephite army (the good guys in The Book of Mormon) and he worked hard to help them to be safe from the Lamanites.  He not only taught them how to defend themselves but he taught them to follow God’s plan.  He first noticed that his people needed individual protection from the weapons of their enemies and so he outfitted them with armor, which became especially useful when the Lamanites invaded the Nephite territory in order to enslave them:

And when the armies of the Lamanites saw that the people of Nephi, or that Moroni, had prepared his people with breastplates and with arm-shields, yea, and also shields to defend their heads, and also they were dressed with thick clothing…But they were not armed with breastplates, nor shields—therefore, they were exceedingly afraid of the armies of the Nephites because of their armor, notwithstanding their number being so much greater than the Nephites. (Alma 43:19,21)

And the work of death commenced on both sides, but it was more dreadful on the part of the Lamanites, for their nakedness was exposed to the heavy blows of the Nephites with their swords and their cimeters, which brought death almost at every stroke.  While on the other hand, there was now and then a ma

Why I Wear a White Shirt on Sunday

22 January 2014

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we participate in sacred ordinances, such as baptism or the Sacrament.  An ordinance is a sacred act performed through the authority of the Priesthood and usually accompanies the making of covenants.  So what is a covenant?  That is an agreement between Heavenly Father and the person making the covenant: Heavenly Father sets the terms and promises blessings, the person making the covenant graciously accepts because they want the promised blessings.  This isn’t like when I was a kid playing with my friends: “I will give you this rock and then you will give me your cookie.”  No, it is more like: “if you are obedient in these small things, then I will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.”  Partaking of the Sacrament is actually one of the most important reasons we meet as a congregation on Sundays (see D&C 20:75 and D&C 59:9)

The Church has published a guide to help the members perform their various responsibilities called Handbook 2: Administering the Church which is essentially basic instructions on how to do your duty as the Lord sees fit.  It says this about administering ordinances:  “Brethren who perform ordinances and blessings should prepare themselves by living worthily and striving to be guided by the Holy Spirit. They should perform each ordinance…in a dignified manner” (20.1)

A little later in that same chapter we read about the ordinance of the Sacrament:

During this holy ordinance, [Church members] partake of bread and water in remembrance of the Savior’s sacrifice of His flesh and blood and to renew their covenants (see Matthew 26:26–28Joseph Smith Translation, Mark 14:20–25Luke 22:15–203 Nephi 18Moroni 6:6)…Every priesthood holder who participates in this ordinance should understand that he is acting on behalf of the Lord. The bishopric encourages priesthood holders to ponder the Savior’s Atonement as they prepare, bless, and pass the sacrament. The bishopric also ensures that priesthood holders have a reverent, dignified manner as they participate in this ordinance.  Those who bless and pass the sacrament should dress modestly and be well groomed and clean. Clothing or jewelry should not call attention to itself or distract members during the sacrament. Ties and white shirts are recommended because they add to the dignity of the ordinance. However, they should not be required as a mandatory prerequisite for a priesthood holder to participate…The sacred nature of this ordinance justifies the greatest care and preparation to ensure order and reverence.

I find it interesting that it says that white shirts are recommended but not required in order to administer the Sacrament.  However, the Sacrament is of such importance!  It is a time to reflect on our standing before God, to repent of misdeeds during the week, and to renew our commitment to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is an opportunity to feel closer to the Savior as we think about His atonement and how we can recommit to take upon ourselves His name.  Administering the Sacrament (e.g. those who actually bless and pass the bread and water) is an Aaronic Priesthood responsibility, meaning that it falls upon the young men in the Church to perform.  What an incredible trust and opportunity for these young men!  When I was a young man I began the habit of wearing a white shirt to church because I wanted to do my part to make the Sacrament special, to not be a distraction, and to be dignified in carrying out this ordinance.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, an apostle of the Lord in these latter-days, gave a remarkable talk about the Sacrament, “This Do in Remembrance of Me” and he said this about the Sacrament and wearing white shirts:

It should be a powerful, reverent, reflective moment. It should encourage spiritual feelings and impressions…

In that sacred setting we ask you young men of the Aaronic Priesthood to prepare and bless and pass these emblems of the Savior’s sacrifice worthily and reverently. What a stunning privilege and sacred trust given at such a remarkably young age! I can think of no higher compliment heaven could pay you. We do love you. Live your best and look your best when you participate in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.

May I suggest that wherever possible a white shirt be worn by the deacons, teachers, and priests who handle the sacrament. For sacred ordinances in the Church we often use ceremonial clothing, and a white shirt could be seen as a gentle reminder of the white clothing you wore in the baptismal font and an anticipation of the white shirt you will soon wear into the temple and onto your missions.

That simple suggestion is not intended to be pharisaic or formalistic. We do not want deacons or priests in uniforms or unduly concerned about anything but the purity of their lives. But how our young people dress can teach a holy principle to us all, and it certainly can convey sanctity. As President David O. McKay taught, a white shirt contributes to the sacredness of the holy sacrament

So the young men are encouraged to wear a white shirt in order to serve as a gentle reminder of the ordinances they have already participated in (baptism) and the ordinances they will yet participate in (the temple) and the service they will yet give (missions).  It also helps make the ordinance of the Sacrament more holy.  I may no longer be considered a Young Man (that moniker is reserved for the 12-18 year-olds) but I may still be asked to assist in the administering of the Sacrament and I definitely want to remember the ordinances I’ve participated in and the covenants I have made and I want to remember the sacredness of the Sacrament, all of which are good reasons for me to wear a white shirt on Sunday.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks added some additional thoughts in 2008:

The ordinance of the sacrament makes the sacrament meeting the most sacred and important meeting in the Church…How we dress is an important indicator of our attitude and preparation for any activity in which we will engage…The same should be true of how we dress when we are to participate in the ordinance of the sacrament. It is like going to the temple. Our manner of dress indicates the degree to which we understand and honor the ordinance in which we will participate…This is a very sacred act…All who officiate in this sacred ordinance stand on sacred ground…All should be well-groomed and modestly dressed. There should be nothing about their personal appearance or actions that would call special attention to themselves or distract anyone present from full attention to the worship and covenant making that are the purpose of this sacred service. (Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament)

In other words, I should wear a white shirt not only because of the requirement for those who officiate in this ordinance, but also because of the very sacred nature of the ordinance itself.  It isn’t meant to be a uniform, rather an outward expression of my attitude and preparation for participating in something of utmost importance…and we do it every week!  The white clothing is a symbol of purity as we strive to follow our Savior and as a way of adding dignity to the occasion.  It is an indication of our understanding and honor of the ordinance of the Sacrament and an expression of the manner in which we may be representing the Savior in administering it.  I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life and for that I wear a white shirt on Sundays.