Posts Tagged ‘you’re only competing with yourself’

You’re Only Competing With Yourself

14 November 2010

Several weeks ago I had a conversation with a friend who was going through some tough times.  I felt impressed to share my favorite poem with her (which you can find here) because I have turned to it a number of times for motivation and inspiration.  I love the central message: that we need to continue to improve ourselves regardless of what goes on in the world around us, not because we need recognition but because we want to be the best for our Heavenly Father.

I also like the message about competing only with yourself.  It is easy to look around you and see others succeeding and then have a desire to do better than they–which is a pride issue.  However, another take on this principle, and one that I felt was more pertinent to the situation, is that it is also easy to look around and see the success of others and then feel disappointed, less important, discouraged, or ashamed.  Both of these evils, pride and discouragement, are tools that the adversary uses to keep us from doing what we know is right.

The truth of the matter lies in the parable of the talents that Jesus told during His earthly ministry (Matthew 25:14-30).  The servant to whom He had given only 2 talents still was able to gain 2 more–and that servant received the same reward and blessing as did the servant who received 5 talents and doubled them.  When we stand before our Heavenly Father, He isn’t going to look at others and ask “Why didn’t you do as well as that guy” but He will look at us and ask “Did you do all that you could do?” (see 2 Ne 25:23).

Heavenly Father cares deeply about each one of us and so He provided a Savior to provide a way for us to return to His presence (see John 3:16-17).  As we exercise our faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, we grow to understand that we can be saved.  This is what I understand to be hope–a firm understanding that we have the possibility of obtaining eternal life because we believe our Redeemer when He promised to take away our sins.

This is part 1 of my post on hope–which seems like the natural thing for me to blog about since my last post was about faith–so tune in next week for more.  As always, I hope you share with me your thoughts, particularly if you know how I can improve.  Have a great week!